How the mainstream press tamed the beast of the Black Panther Party and betrayed the Civil Rights Movement...
Capturing the Beast: Panthers in Pictures
Photo from
A black beret, a pair of dark glasses
and a large gun became the uniform of the Black Panther in the media.
Photographs of the Panthers tend to show them as a powerful and
threatening mob and almost always showed weapons. Scuffles with
police were also used frequently as in the Oakland Tribune story
entitled, “'Panthers' Invade Capital”. While the article was
sensational enough, the accompanying photo showed Panthers being
hauled out of a conference by police, who had taken their guns (13).
The theme of the photo seemed to be the defeat of the Panthers, shown
as powerless to the authorities
Picture of peace full protest (1)
Free Huey Rally, Oakland (1)
Panthers assembled in a park (1)
The press' disdain for the Panthers is
clear in the New York Times selection of an AP picture showing
Panthers in their berets and scowls for their aforementioned story on
the California Assembly protest (13). The image of a brooding-faced
man with a gun was repeated over and over in the media at this time,
so much so that it seemed that all panthers looked like this.
However, photos taken by Ruth-Marion Baruch suggest this is not
true. Her photographic essay of the Black Panthers published in 1970
(1) shows a different picture. Sit ins, embracing protestors, and
mothers with children dispersed among the more arsenal-laden members
were all ignored by most of the press. These peaceful images did not,
“reinforce the emphasis on guns and the threat of black
masculinity”(13) as the typical images selected by papers did.
Still from CBS report, 1969 (3)
Television followed the pattern of
print media, choosing coverage that often glorified the police and
highlighted the violence and crime of the Panther Party. A CBS report
from 1969 focuses on shots of guns and ammunition and shows the
bloody mess of an apartment after a police raid that resulted in the
death of Fred Hampton, Panther Leader(3). It includes interviews of
at least four police officers and only two Black Panther
sympathizers. The unbalanced representation is exacerbated by the
conclusion of the broadcast which calls for the Panthers to submit to
a lie detector test to see what really happened during the raid while
leaving the police officers stories unquestioned.